Automatic Translation: Your Ultimate Guide

Adedamola Ojedokun
14 Dec 2023

7 min. read


ICYMI, automatic language translation, is a baller tech that can help you pwn your competitors and yeet them out of the market.

If you have trouble deciphering the sentence above, you aren’t alone. But alas, all of these sus words have been recently added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Including sus.

It means that automatic language translation tools should be able to translate them. And they are. We’ve tried.

We knew it won’t take much convincing to make you consider using automatic language translation. But if you need another gentle nudge, we are happy to oblige.

Pro tip: Automate your translation process by using a localization management platform – Centus. The platform leverages machine translation, translation memory, and terminology databases to offer accurate and consistent translations. Learn more.

What is automatic language translation?

Automatic translation is a process where computer algorithms translate text from one language to another without human intervention. It relies on natural language processing and machine learning techniques to interpret and convert languages, aiming for speed and broad accessibility, though it may sometimes lack the accuracy of human translation.

Automated vs automatic translations: Is there any difference?

Automated translation and automatic translation are used interchangeably in language translation. While the two processes may appear to be identical, there are small differences between them that can have a substantial impact on the accuracy and quality of the translated content.

How automatic translation works

Here's an overview of how automatic translation works:

  1. Input Analysis: The system first analyzes the input text, breaking it down into manageable segments such as sentences or phrases.
  2. Language Parsing: Each segment is then parsed to understand its grammatical structure. This involves identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech.
  3. Semantic Understanding: The most complex step, this involves interpreting the meaning of the text. The system uses algorithms to understand context, idioms, and cultural nuances.
  4. Translation Algorithms: Based on the understanding of the text, the system applies translation algorithms. These can be rule-based, statistical, or neural network-based. Neural machine translation (NMT) is the most advanced, using deep learning to produce more accurate and natural translations.
  5. Reconstruction and Adjustment: The translated text is then reconstructed to ensure it maintains the original meaning while being grammatically correct in the target language. The system may also adjust the translation for fluency and readability.
  6. Output Generation: Finally, the translated text is presented as the output. This can be in written form or converted into speech in applications like voice translators.

Benefits of automatic language translation

Automatic language translation technology has revolutionized the way humans connect across languages and cultures.

Here are the key benefits of automatic translation:

Facilitating global communication

conversation between people

Source: Unsplash

Automatic language translation offers a clear advantage in breaking down language barriers and facilitating global communication.

With the help of automatic translation, you can easily chat and share ideas with teams from different linguistic backgrounds.

Enabling cross-cultural collaboration

enabling cross-cultural collaboration Source: Unsplash

Cross-cultural collaboration becomes increasingly vital as businesses and organizations expand their reach worldwide.

Automatic translation plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration between teams and partners from different countries, making it easier to work together on global initiatives.

By blending diverse perspectives and ideas, this not only enhances efficiency but also fosters innovation.

Increasing accessibility of information

people looking at phones

Source: Pexels

The internet serves as an extensive informational resource, but language barriers often hinder non-native speakers from accessing a significant portion of its content.

Automatic language translation is a vital solution to bridge this communication gap and expand the audience for information.

Researchers, students, and information seekers can now access valuable content in their native languages, regardless of the original language of the information.

Streamlining multilingual customer support

streamlining multilingual customer support Source: Pexels

For businesses operating on a global scale, providing multilingual customer care can be a logistical challenge.

Thanks to real-time translation services provided by automatic translation, customer care agents can now communicate with customers in their native languages.

This, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, as clients feel valued when they can easily interact with the business in their preferred language.

Enhancing international business opportunities

enhancing international business opportunities Source: Unsplash

Automatic language translation proves to be an effective tool for companies seeking to target markets outside their home countries.

It empowers businesses to enter new markets and communicate efficiently with prospective clients in diverse geographic locations.

Through translation and localization of products and services, businesses can provide their target audience with a tailored experience, gaining a competitive edge in the global market.

8 Best practices for implementing automatic translations

Automatic language translation has transformed the way we collaborate across borders, but like with any technology, proper implementation is required to achieve the best results.

Here are best practices to get the most out of automatic translations:

Choose the right translation tool

centus dashboard Ensure you choose the right translation tool to successfully implement automatic language translation.

There are several automatic translation tools and APIs available, each with its pros and cons. Take the time to compare different options. Look for tools that support several languages, have positive user reviews, and can handle the exact content you need to translate.

Pro tip: Use a localization management platform Centus to automate, manage, and test translations. Learn more.

Customize translation preferences

Many translation tools allow you to customize them to match your brand's voice and style. Use these tools to ensure consistency across your translated text.

Ensure that the translations align with your company's tone, values, and personality so that the essence of your message is preserved regardless of language.

Regularly update and review translations

Since languages are dynamic and constantly evolving, it is critical to keep your translations up-to-date. Review and update the translated text regularly to ensure it remains relevant and culturally appropriate.

Keeping track of the changes in automatic translation technologies can improve the quality of your translations since they improve over time.

Provide language-specific content

Keep in mind that each language and culture have its preferences and nuances. Adapt your content to meet the needs of each target audience. What works well in one language may not work so well in another.

By delivering language-specific content, you express respect for your audience's diversity and provide a more personalized experience.

Run quality assurance tests

Conduct extensive quality assurance checks before deploying the translated content. Review terms for linguistic accuracy, context accuracy, and consistency.

This stage ensures that your translated content is of the same high quality as your original content.

When to use automatic translation? 3 Use cases

Use case #1: Automatic website translation

Picture this: You run a blog, and your most recent post is gaining a lot of attention from readers all around the world. You want to ensure that everyone understands and enjoys your content.

This is when automatic translation comes in to save the day.

By including automatic translations on your website, you instantly break down language barriers, making your blog more accessible to a global audience. It's like having a multilingual superhero at your disposal.

Use case #2: Multilingual customer support

You've amassed a sizable customer base and are now ready to take on the world. However, with consumers from different language backgrounds contacting you for help, you may find it hard to communicate effectively.

Not to worry! Automatic translation can act as your linguistic liaison, helping you communicate efficiently with customers. You can easily provide multilingual customer assistance, allowing you to focus on making your customers happy no matter where they are.

Use case #3: Speedy content translation

The world moves at the speed of light, and so should your website. Automatic content translation is the way to go when you need to send urgent information to your audience across several multilingual regions.

Automatic translation can help you convey information quickly and efficiently, whether it's breaking news, time-sensitive announcements, or limited-time incentives. This will transform your social media into a multilingual bulletin board in real time.

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