Multidomestic Strategy: Benefits and 6 Examples

Adedamola Ojedokun
18 Sep 2023

14 min. read


How can you thrive in the dynamic business environment and position yourself for success?

An approach you can use is a multidomestic strategy.

Just as its name implies, the multidomestic strategy emphasizes tailoring products, services, and operations to meet the specific demands of international markets.

Pro tip: Supercharge your multidomestic strategy with Centus – a professional localization management suite. Learn more.

What is a multidomestic strategy?

what is a multidomestic strategy A multidomestic strategy involves customizing a company's products, services, and operations to meet the specific needs and preferences of local markets.

Unlike a one-size-fits-all strategy that focuses on uniformity, a multi domestic strategy recognizes the inherent differences and nuances found across different foreign markets and cultures.

Benefits of a multidomestic strategy

Embracing a multidomestic strategy goes beyond making your business a global player. It also involves becoming a global symphony, whereby you harmonize different notes to produce a melodious success story.

Here are the main advantages of implementing a multidomestic strategy:

Adapting to local markets

a local man on a market Source: Pixabay

Imagine a fashion designer releasing a collection that reflects the taste and style of each region they visit. Similarly, a multidomestic strategy allows you to tailor your products and services to the specific preferences and needs of each target market.

It's like creating customized solutions for each market, ensuring that your product or service is more than just a transaction but an experience that speaks directly to the hearts of your different customers.

Enhanced responsiveness to customer needs

customer support team Source: Unsplash

A multidomestic strategy allows you to align your business activities with the dynamic needs of each market.

This responsiveness is more than simply a transactional exchange. It's a rhythmic dance of anticipation and fulfillment that leaves customers amazed by how smoothly their needs are made a reality.

Cultural sensitivity and adaptation

a Muslim woman Source: Pixabay

Imagine devouring a dish that seamlessly blends flavors from different parts of the world to create a culinary masterpiece.

A multidomestic strategy values and respects the traditions of diverse markets, just as a chef does with each ingredient's origins.

It's like creating a cultural kaleidoscope where your products and services resonate with local values, customs, and traditions, thereby transforming your brand into an authentic and valued guest in every market.

Improved competitive advantage

a chess board Source: Pixabay

A multi domestic strategy orchestrates several market strengths to produce a symphony of competitive advantage, much like an orchestra director brings together different instruments to make enchanting music.

Understanding and leveraging the strengths of each market allows you to create an ensemble of strategies that leaves competitors racing to catch up.

6 Multidomestic strategy examples

A multidomestic strategy allows businesses to adapt to the unique cultural, economic, and social nuances of each region where they operate, thereby increasing their competitiveness and customer appeal.

Here are the top 6 examples of companies that have successfully implemented a multi domestic strategy:

Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Procter & Gamble products Source: P&G

Procter & Gamble is popular for its multi domestic strategy. The company customizes its products to meet the interests and needs of local markets.

For instance, P&G tailors the formulations and scents of its laundry detergent to align with what its customers in different markets prefer. This strategy allows P&G to efficiently manage differences in consumer behaviors and buying habits, thereby increasing market penetration and customer satisfaction.


Playbox products Source: Playbox

Playbox uses a multidomestic strategy by tailoring its toy products to meet the specific needs of its customers in different regions. When designing and marketing their toys, they consider local culture, trends, and safety regulations.

For instance, Playbox may design toys based on local mythology or adapt their products to meet special safety criteria in different markets. This approach allows Playbox to connect with children and parents in their target areas while adhering to local regulations.

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson products Source: Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson implements a multi domestic strategy by customizing its healthcare products for several regions. To satisfy local preferences and regulations, they modify product formulas, packaging, and marketing messaging.

For example, the company offers many variants of skincare products to meet the various skin types found in different regions. This strategy allows Johnson & Johnson to build trust and be relevant in each market.


H&M store Source: H&M

H&M implements a multi domestic strategy by adapting its products, stores, and marketing to meet local tastes. The brand’s clothing lines show fashion trends, while the pricing, campaigns, and store layouts are tailored to each market.

H&M is able to create a global-local balance in the fashion industry by collaborating with local influencers, offering customized online experiences, and adopting sustainable practices.


Nestle products Source: Nestle

Nestle is an excellent example of a company that uses a multidomestic strategy. Nestle offers a vast variety of tastes and product variations that cater to regional palates and nutritional peculiarities.

For example, their instant noodles have different flavors in different foreign markets to suit the specific culinary preferences of each region. This approach helps Nestle gain the loyalty of local consumers.

Walgreens Boots Alliance

Walgreens store Source: Walgreens

Walgreens Boots Alliance adopts a multi domestic strategy by tailoring its product offerings and services to meet the needs of local healthcare providers. They provide pharmacy services in line with each country's regulations and healthcare systems.

In addition, to appeal to local interests, they sell region-specific over-the-counter drugs and wellness products. This strategy ensures that Walgreens remains a reliable and accessible healthcare provider in different markets.

Multidomestic vs. global strategy

Multidomestic strategy

As stated earlier, the multi domestic strategy focuses on tailoring products, services, and operations to the unique characteristics of each local market. It highlights the significance of adapting to local consumer preferences, cultural nuances, and legal needs.

Companies that use a multidomestic approach prioritize decentralization, giving their subsidiaries or business units in several regions significant decision-making authority.

This customized approach ensures that products and services are tailored to the individual needs of each region, thereby establishing a stronger bond with local customers.

Global strategy

A global strategy promotes market standards and consistency. It aims to develop products, services, and operational processes that are consistent across borders.

Companies pursuing a global strategy can benefit from cost reductions and streamlined operations by leveraging economies of scale and a centralized decision-making structure.

The focus of a global strategy is on generating products and services that have international appeal, generally with minimal change to local preferences.

This approach ensures efficient production, distribution, and marketing, potentially leading to cost savings and faster market entry.

Finding the middle ground

While global and multi domestic strategies are at opposite ends of the spectrum, many businesses achieve success by using a hybrid or middle-ground strategy known as a "Glocal" strategy.

This strategy attempts to combine the advantages of both strategies by standardizing certain parts while allowing for localized adjustments where necessary.

This balanced approach recognizes the need to respond to local settings while also reaping the benefits of efficiency and consistency.

Finally, there are different factors that affect whether to pursue a multidomestic or global strategy, including:

  • Nature of the industry
  • Target markets
  • Available resources
  • The company's long-term objectives

How to build a multidomestic strategy in 5 steps

Creating a successful multidomestic strategy is like writing a symphony that resonates with the unique notes of each market, resulting in a harmonic balance of global presence and local flavor.

This strategic approach requires accurate planning, careful orchestration, and a touch of cultural flair. Here are the steps that will help you build an efficient multidomestic approach that captures global markets: steps for building a multidomestic strategy

Step 1: Conduct market research

Market research and analysis serve as the foundation for understanding the different demands, interests, and behaviors of local markets, allowing you to efficiently adapt your operations.

This step provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions and develop a multidomestic strategy that is tailored to the needs of a specific region.

Here are the steps involved in conducting thorough market research and analysis:

Identify target markets

  • Determine which regions you intend to operate in under the multidomestic approach.
  • When identifying target markets, consider factors such as population demographics, economic indices, and cultural diversity.

Gather demographic data

  • Gather information on population size, age distribution, income levels, education, and other demographic parameters.
  • Use this information to discover possible consumer segments and their attributes.

Conduct competitor analysis

  • Identify the key competitors in each target market.
  • Examine their strengths and weaknesses, including their market share, pricing strategies, and product offerings.
  • Learn about successful strategies and opportunities that can make you unique.

Study consumer behavior

  • Research consumer preferences, behaviors, and purchasing habits in each market.
  • Understand how customers perceive and interact with products and services.
  • Determine any special requirements or pain points that your services can address.

Step 2: Tailor products and services

The modification of products and services to match the local market advantages, individual preferences, demands, and cultural nuances is one of the main pillars of developing a successful multidomestic strategy.

This personalization not only strengthens your relationship with local clients but also portrays your brand as a responsive and attentive player in the global business scene. Here's how you can build a multidomestic strategy by tailoring products and services:

Customize product

  • Create a core product or service that will serve as the foundation.
  • Design modular components or features that can be adapted to meet local needs.
  • Adapt product specifications, features, sizes, or formulas to reflect the preferences of the local market.

Localize branding and packaging

  • Adapt branding elements like logos, taglines, and color schemes to reflect local cultural values and aesthetics.
  • Use packaging that appeals to local sensibilities while adhering to local norms and standards.
  • Use culturally appropriate graphics and symbols to improve product identification and appeal.

Develop pricing strategies

  • Create pricing strategies that consider local economic realities, purchasing power, and price sensitivity.
  • Provide different pricing tiers or bundles for specific customer categories within each market.
  • Consider factors like currency changes, taxes, and import/export tariffs.

Establish local sourcing and partnerships

  • Work with local producers to get raw materials or components and promote a sense of local authenticity.
  • Collaborate with local brands, distributors, merchants, and e-commerce platforms to ensure effective distribution and reach.

Step 3: Localize marketing content

Customize your advertising and commercial efforts to each target market's unique cultural, linguistic, and social standards. Here's a breakdown of how to implement this key component of your strategy:

Adapt marketing content

  • Translate all marketing materials into the local language, including advertisements, brochures, websites, and social media posts.

  • Ensure that idioms, comedy, and wordplay are culturally appropriate and understood.

  • When appropriate, use local dialects to engage more deeply with regional audiences.

  • Modify the tone and style of the text to suit local needs.

Customize product positioning

  • Emphasize product features and benefits that are relevant to the needs and preferences of the local market.
  • Modify pricing strategies to reflect local purchasing power and economic realities.

Localize promotions and campaigns

  • Create promotional efforts that coincide with local celebrations, holidays, or cultural events.
  • Collaborate with local influencers or celebrities who have strong relationships with the target audience.

Test localization and analyze feedback

  • Hold focus groups, polls, or test campaigns to gather input from local consumers and make the required changes.
  • Regularly monitor and measure the effectiveness of your localized marketing strategies, and be ready to adjust based on results.

Pro tip: Use Centus to streamline your localization efforts via seamless content translation management, translation cost calculation, cooperation tools, QA tools, automation tools, and much more.

Step 4: Manage local workforce

Effective talent and workforce management is crucial for a multidomestic strategy to support the successful implementation of the approach across several markets. Here are the main steps to consider:

Recruit and hire local talent

  • Set up local recruiting teams or collaborate with local recruitment firms to find and attract outstanding talent in each market.
  • Tailor job descriptions and qualifications to each region's specific demands and cultural nuances.
  • Reach out to possible candidates by using local job boards, social media platforms, and industry networks.

Conduct cross-cultural training

  • Provide extensive cross-cultural training to staff who are relocating or working in different global markets to encourage understanding and sensitivity to local conventions, behaviors, and communication styles.
  • Provide language training or support to employees to help them interact effectively with colleagues and customers in their different locations.

Develop global talent

  • Implement a global talent development program that exposes high-potential employees from several markets to various elements of the business and helps them build a broader skill set.
  • Provide mentorship and coaching opportunities that cross-regional barriers and foster knowledge-sharing among personnel from various regions.

Use communication and collaboration tools

  • Invest in technology and solutions that promote communication and collaboration across different countries.
  • Use virtual meeting platforms, project management tools, and knowledge-sharing platforms to overcome geographical barriers and improve teamwork.

Step 5: Monitor and refine

After implementing a multidomestic approach, it is crucial to regularly analyze its effectiveness and make the required adjustments to achieve optimal performance across several markets.

This step requires being attentive to market dynamics, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes across several regions. Here's how you can carry out continuous monitoring and adaptation:

Conduct regular performance assessments

  • Regularly assess the performance of each local market and compare it to preset standards.
  • Consider key performance indicators like sales growth, market share, and customer satisfaction. This helps determine which markets are thriving and which ones need adjustment.

Obtain data-driven insights

  • Use modern data analytics to learn about customer behavior, market trends, and upcoming prospects.
  • Make informed decisions using data from numerous sources, including sales numbers, customer comments, and social media engagements.

Create market feedback loops

  • Create effective feedback methods for local teams, distributors, and customers.
  • Regularly engage in open communication channels to gain insights about changing preferences, unmet needs, and new challenges.

Resource allocation optimization

  • Regularly review and optimize resource allocation across markets.
  • Allocate funding, labor, and time based on each market's changing needs and potential.

Challenges of a multidomestic strategy

A multidomestic strategy can provide numerous benefits, but it, like any strategic approach, comes with its challenges. Although these challenges are demanding, you can navigate them through careful preparation and execution.

Here are the different challenges of a multidomestic strategy and their solutions:

Coordination complexity

Imagine an orchestra with performers from different parts of the globe, each playing a different instrument. While the end product might be spectacular, organizing such a diverse ensemble can be challenging.

A multidomestic approach, in a similar vein, requires the synchronization of multiple operations across different target markets, ranging from manufacturing and distribution to marketing and customer support.

Solution: Implement modern project management tools and collaboration platforms. These tools can help improve communication, share data, and provide real-time updates.

Balancing global standardization and customization

It can be difficult to maintain a balance between conventional global practices and responding to the specific preferences of local markets.

Solution: Create a core framework that comprises standardized elements. This framework acts as the backbone of your strategy. Then, implement modular components that can be tailored to local tastes.

Cultural and regulatory issues

Cultures and rules differ across borders, just as various languages have unique idioms.

Navigating through this diversity might feel like venturing into unfamiliar territory, with each market presenting its set of cultural nuances and legal landscapes.

Solution: Form local teams or collaborate with native experts who are well-versed in cultural and regulatory nuances.

Their perspectives can help bridge the gap between your international strategy and local reality, thereby ensuring that your approach is compliant and resonates with the target audience.

Resource intensiveness

To enhance your international expansion strategies, you need to allocate resources on multiple fronts, whether financial, human, or technological.

The need for resources can be likened to a voracious appetite, potentially stretching your capabilities to the breaking point.

Solution: Instead of spreading your resources thinly across all markets, prioritize your investments. Determine high-potential markets where the multi domestic approach will provide the best return on investment.

Managing brand consistency

Maintaining a consistent brand identity while adapting to new markets can feel like trying to keep a balloon floating in a gale. Staying too far from the essence of your brand might dilute its impact, while being too inflexible can stifle resonance with local audiences.

Solution: Develop a collection of key brand principles and consistent aesthetic elements. Then, develop adaptive brand rules that allow for interpretation, allowing local teams to infuse cultural relevance while remaining true to the overall brand identity.

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