Localization Technology: An In-Depth Overview

Adedamola Ojedokun
09 يناير 2024

8 دقيقة قراءة


The most difficult part about using localization tech is deciding what to do with the freed-up time and budget.

Need we say more?

Pro tip: Use a localization management suite, Centus, to automate your translation process, enable translator collaboration, simplify translation cost calculation, and streamline the QA process. Learn more.

What is localization technology?

what is localization technology Localization technology is a collection of tools and processes used to adapt content for a specific region or market.

Apart from translation, localization technology also considers cultural and linguistic nuances.

The most common types of localization technology include:

  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Translation Management System (TMS)
  • Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
  • Machine Translation (MT)
  • Quality assurance (QA) tools
  • Terminology management tools and glossaries

Key benefits of localization technology

Localization technology provides numerous benefits for businesses seeking to grow their global presence and engage with diverse audiences.

You can enjoy essential benefits that contribute to your success by adapting your content and user experience to the specific needs and preferences of different regions.

Here are the key benefits of implementing localization technology into your business strategy:

Expanded global reach and market penetration

hands holding a globe Source: Pixabay

Localization technology allows you to efficiently break down language barriers and interact with audiences all around the world.

By delivering content in your audience’s native language, you can gain access to previously inaccessible markets and regions. This results in increased brand visibility, website traffic, and new customers.

Improved user engagement and conversion rates

wooden cubes with upward arrows Source: iStock

By adapting content to resonate with local audiences, localization technology plays a critical role in increasing user engagement and conversion rates.

It builds a deeper connection by customizing language, cultural allusions, and user experiences, making users more likely to engage, trust, and convert.

Enhanced brand image and trust

wooden cubes with the word brand on it Source: iStock

Localization technology can help you increase your brand identity and reliability by helping you adapt your content to resonate with multiple languages, cultures, and beliefs.

This personalized approach indicates your commitment to knowing and connecting with local customers, building a real and relatable sense of identity.

Consistently delivering the right localized content portrays you as respectful and responsive to your audience’s preferences, thereby setting a strong foundation of credibility and confidence throughout global markets.

Better customer experience and satisfaction

5 star rating Source: Pixabay

By adapting products, services, and information to align with several cultural and linguistic preferences, localization technology plays a key role in improving consumer experience and satisfaction.

This personalized approach promotes a stronger connection, clear communication, and relatability, which leads to increased user engagement, loyalty, and overall customer satisfaction.

Competitive advantage in international markets

a chess board Source: iStock

Localization technology helps you adapt your products and content to diverse cultural and linguistic contexts, thereby establishing stronger ties with global audiences.

You get a competitive advantage by connecting more genuinely and successfully in global markets, portraying yourself as a responsive and culturally attuned brand, and swiftly adapting messaging, features, and user experiences.

How to create a localization technology strategy

It is crucial to have an effective localization technology strategy to successfully reach and engage global customers while retaining brand integrity and quality.

A well-crafted plan ensures that your content is appealing to audiences from different cultures, languages, and preferences. Here's a detailed guide to developing a solid localization technology strategy:

Market research and target audience analysis

A successful localization technology strategy requires more than a "one-size-fits-all" approach. You need to understand your target market and audience preferences.

Here’s how you can develop a localization technology strategy by researching your target market and analyzing your audience:

  • Clearly define the geographical regions that your localized content will target. Consider how language, culture, and economic conditions may affect your market entry strategy.
  • Recognize the values, behaviors, and communication styles that your target audience values.
  • Research the competitive environment in your target markets. Determine which local and worldwide competitors are already providing your target audience.
  • Gather data on user behavior, preferences, and pain areas using technologies such as analytics, surveys, and social media monitoring.
  • Learn how your target audience consumes content. Do they prefer certain platforms, tools, or media types? Make changes to your localization approach to reflect their preferred content-consuming habits.

Content audit and prioritization

Conduct a thorough content audit to identify what needs to be localized and prioritize your efforts. Here’s how to do it:

  • Create a complete inventory of all existing content, including websites, marketing materials, product documentation, user interfaces, and multimedia assets such as photographs and videos.
  • Sort your content by type, relevancy, and importance to your target audience.
  • Assess the effectiveness and performance of the content in its original form. Determine which material is working well and should be prioritized during the localization process.
  • Evaluate the possible impact of localizing each piece of content. Consider how translated content can increase user engagement, conversion rates, and overall market penetration.
  • Allocate your localization resources based on the priority scores of the content. To enhance the efficacy of your localization strategy, focus on high-priority content.

Selection of localization tools and technologies

When developing a solid localization technology strategy, you need to carefully choose your localization tools and technologies. This will make the entire process efficient and effective.

Here's how to select the right localization tools and technologies:

  • Define your localization goals, including target languages, regions, content types, and the scope of your localization operations.
  • Research the market for localization tools such as translation management systems (TMS), content management systems (CMS), and machine translation (MT) tools.
  • Ensure that the tools you choose can work with your existing tools.
  • Give preference to tools with automated features such as content extraction, translation memory, and workflow management.
  • Select tools that can handle different content formats, such as text, images, videos, and multimedia.

Pro tip: Use a professional localization management suite, Centus, to simplify your localization process, cut costs, and improve translation quality. Learn more.

Building a multilingual content workflow

Creating a streamlined multilingual content workflow is critical to the success of any localization technology strategy.

A well-defined procedure provides effective team collaboration, accurate content translation, and consistency of quality across languages. Here's how to create an effective multilingual content workflow:

  • Break up your information into smaller chunks, such as web pages, product descriptions, user manuals, and marketing materials. This facilitates task assignment and progress tracking.
  • Use a translation management system like Centus to centralize translation tasks, track progress, and maintain translation memory.
  • Create detailed glossaries and style guides for each target language. These ensure that language, tone, and style are consistent across translated text, preserving brand integrity.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to translators, editors, and reviewers of each target language.

Quality assurance and testing procedures

Once your content has been localized and is ready to be deployed in international markets, it is essential to ensure the accuracy, consistency, and cultural appropriateness of the localized content.

Quality assurance and testing techniques are critical to providing a consistent experience for your global audience. Here's how to perform them:

  • Ensure that the translated content is consistent with your brand's voice, tone, and messaging.
  • Test the localized content within the actual program, website, or application to confirm that text, images, buttons, and other elements display appropriately and work properly.
  • Look for any layout difficulties, truncations, or text overlaps that may arise as a result of various text lengths in different languages.
  • Ensure that images, icons, videos, and multimedia content are culturally appropriate and appealing to the target audience.
  • Be aware of cultural nuances and references that may require changes to guarantee effective communication.
  • Effectively communicate with the development and localization teams to address and resolve bugs and other issues as soon as possible.
  • Gather feedback from native-speaking customers in the target market and include their ideas in the localization process.
  • Use user feedback to improve the content and the overall user experience.

Continuous improvement and iteration

Developing an effective localization technology strategy is a continual process that requires continuous improvement and iteration.

You need to adapt your localization efforts to remain effective and relevant as the global landscape changes and user preferences change. Here's how to keep your strategy responsive and dynamic:

  • Constantly track the performance of your localized content in different regions.
  • Regularly update and change your localized content based on new user input, cultural trends and regulatory environments. Make sure your content is culturally appropriate and resonates with your target audience.
  • Regularly evaluate and embrace new technologies or platforms that can improve your localization efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that are aligned with your business objectives. Regularly measure and evaluate these indicators to assess the performance of your localization strategy and find areas for improvement.
  • Keep your teams up to date on the latest localization processes, tools, and technology by providing continuing training.

The best localization technology

centus dashboard Localization management platforms like Centus can help businesses survive in the global marketplace. The platform can enhance global reach and boost user engagement by:

  • Streamlining the localization process
  • Enhancing collaboration
  • Ensuring quality
  • Offering useful insights

By investing in the right technology, you will be able to build effective and meaningful connections with several audiences worldwide. Centus offers a centralized platform that simplifies the entire localization process. The platform offers tools that ensure consistency and reduce manual errors.

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